Compare commits
No commits in common. "c277e7a6a860ff6d1c8b8364e83fb60f1fdf238e" and "d245ab99395d59d8716cd19670190378590d564e" have entirely different histories.
@ -25,17 +25,13 @@
[me.raynes/fs "1.4.6"]
[me.raynes/fs "1.4.6"]
[me.raynes/conch "0.8.0"]
[me.raynes/conch "0.8.0"]
;; time from joda-time
;; time from joda-time
[clj-time "0.14.4"]
[clj-time "0.14.4"]]
[clojure-humanize "0.2.2"]]
:aliases {"test" "midje"}
:aliases {"test" "midje"}
:source-paths ["src"]
:source-paths ["src"]
:resource-paths ["resources"]
:resource-paths ["resources"]
:plugins [[lein-ring "0.12.4"]]
:plugins [[lein-ring "0.12.4"]]
:ring {:init toaster.ring/init
:ring {:init toaster.ring/init
:handler toaster.handler/app
:handler toaster.handler/app}
:nrepl {:start? true
:host "localhost"
:port 40231}}
:uberwar {:init toaster.ring/init
:uberwar {:init toaster.ring/init
:handler toaster.handler/app}
:handler toaster.handler/app}
:mail toaster.handler
:mail toaster.handler
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
;; (s/validate Config conf)
;; (s/validate Config conf)
;; (catch Exception ex
;; (catch Exception ex
;; (f/fail (log/spy :error ["Invalid configuration: " conf ex]))))
;; (f/fail (log/spy :error ["Invalid configuration: " conf ex]))))
(get-in conf (into [:toaster] path)))
(get-in conf path))
(defn load-config [name default]
(defn load-config [name default]
(log/info (str "Loading configuration: " name))
(log/info (str "Loading configuration: " name))
@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
[toaster.ring :as ring]
[toaster.ring :as ring]
[toaster.views :as views]
[toaster.views :as views]
[ :as job])
[ :as job])
(defonce config (conf/load-config "toaster" conf/default-settings))
(defonce config (conf/load-config "toaster" conf/default-settings))
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/" request (web/render "Hello World!"));; web/readme))
(GET "/" request (web/render "Hello World!"));; web/readme))
@ -60,11 +60,6 @@
(->> views/dockerfile-upload-post
(->> views/dockerfile-upload-post
(s/check request)))
(s/check request)))
(GET "/edit" request
(->> (fn [req conf acct]
(web/render acct views/dockerfile-edit-form))
(s/check request)))
(GET "/list" request
(GET "/list" request
(->> views/list-jobs
(->> views/list-jobs
(s/check request)))
(s/check request)))
@ -178,9 +173,7 @@
;; for uberjar
;; for uberjar
(defn -main []
(defn -main []
(println "Starting ring server")
(println "Starting standalone jetty server on http://localhost:6060")
(ring/init ring/app-defaults)
(run-jetty app {:port 6060
;(run-jetty app {:port 6060
:host "localhost"
; :host "localhost"
:join? true}))
; :join? true})
@ -4,58 +4,22 @@
[ :as io]
[ :as io]
[clj-time.core :as time]
[clj-time.core :as time]
[clj-time.coerce :as tc]
[clj-time.coerce :as tc]
[clj-storage.db.mongo :refer [create-mongo-store]]
[clj-storage.core :as db]
[failjure.core :as f]
[failjure.core :as f]
[taoensso.timbre :as log :refer [debug]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log :refer [debug]]
[me.raynes.conch :as sh :refer [with-programs]]
[me.raynes.conch :as sh :refer [with-programs]]
[toaster.webpage :as web]
[toaster.webpage :as web]
[toaster.config :refer :all]
[toaster.ring :refer [jobs]]
[hiccup.form :as hf]))
[hiccup.form :as hf]))
(defn- ssh-host [config]
(str (q config [:jenkins :user]) "@" (q config [:jenkins :host])))
(defn- sync_jobs [config arg1 arg2]
(-> (ssh "-i" (q config [:jenkins :key])
(ssh-host config) ""
arg1 arg2)
(str/split #"\n"))
(catch Exception e (f/fail (str "ERROR in - " (.getMessage e)))))))
(defn- dockerlint [path]
(with-programs [node]
(node "node_modules/dockerlint/bin/dockerlint.js" path)
(catch Exception e
(f/fail (str "ERROR in dockerlint - " (.getMessage e)))))))
(defn add [path config account]
(defn add [path config account]
(with-programs [ssh scp node]
(with-programs [ssh scp node]
(let [tstamp (tc/to-long (time/now))
(let [tstamp (tc/to-long (time/now))
jobname (str (:email account) "-vm_amd64-" tstamp)
jobname (str (:email account) "-vm_amd64-" tstamp)
jobdir (str "/srv/toaster/" jobname)]
jobdir (str "/srv/toaster/" jobname)]
[r_lint (dockerlint path)
[r_lint (node "node_modules/dockerlint/bin/dockerlint.js" path)
r_mkdir (ssh "-i" (q config [:jenkins :key])
r_mkdir (ssh "-i" "../id_ed25519" "jenkins@sdk.bridge" "mkdir" "-p" jobdir )
(ssh-host config) "mkdir" "-p" jobdir)
r_scp (scp "-i" "../id_ed25519" path (str "jenkins@sdk.bridge:" jobdir))
r_scp (scp "-i" (q config [:jenkins :key])
r_job (ssh "-i" "../id_ed25519" "jenkins@sdk.bridge" "" "-a" jobname)]
path (str (ssh-host config) ":" jobdir))
r_job (log/spy (sync_jobs config "-a" jobname))
r_store (log/spy (db/store!
@jobs :jobid
(log/spy {:jobid jobname
:email (:email account)
:account (dissoc account :password :activation-link)
:lint (if (.contains r_lint "is OK") true false)
:timestamp tstamp
:type "vm_amd64"})))]
{:lint r_lint
{:lint r_lint
:job r_job}
:job r_job}
(f/when-failed [e]
(f/when-failed [e]
@ -64,8 +28,13 @@
(defn listall [config account]
(defn listall [config account]
(sync_jobs config "-l" (:email account))
(with-programs [ssh]
;;(db/query @jobs {:email (:email account)})
[r_ssh (ssh "-i" "../id_ed25519" "jenkins@sdk.bridge" "" "-l" (:email account))]
(str/split r_ssh #"\n")
(f/when-failed [e]
(str "Job list failure: " (f/message e)))))))
@ -37,41 +37,39 @@
(def db (atom {}))
(def db (atom {}))
(def accts (atom {}))
(def accts (atom {}))
(def auth (atom {}))
(def auth (atom {}))
(def jobs (atom {}))
(defn init []
(defn init []
(log/merge-config! {:level :debug
{:level :debug
;; #{:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report}
;; #{:trace :debug :info :warn :error :fatal :report}
;; Control log filtering by
;; Control log filtering by
;; namespaces/patterns. Useful for turning off
;; namespaces/patterns. Useful for turning off
;; logging in noisy libraries, etc.:
;; logging in noisy libraries, etc.:
;; i.e: :ns-whitelist ["agiladmin.*" "just-auth.*"]
;; :ns-whitelist ["agiladmin.*" "just-auth.*"]
:ns-blacklist ["org.eclipse.jetty.*"
:ns-blacklist ["org.eclipse.jetty.*"
;; ------------------
;; load configuration
;; load configuration
(reset! config (conf/load-config
(reset! config (conf/load-config
(or (System/getenv "toaster_conf") "toaster")
(or (System/getenv "toaster_conf") "toaster")
;; --------------------------------
(let [justauth-conf (get-in @config [:toaster :just-auth])]
;; initialize authentication stores
(let [justauth-conf (conf/q @config [:just-auth])]
;; connect database (TODO: take parameters from configuration)
;; connect database (TODO: take parameters from configuration)
(reset! db (get-mongo-db (:mongo-url justauth-conf)))
(reset! db (get-mongo-db (:mongo-url justauth-conf)))
;; create authentication stores in db
;; create authentication stores in db
[auth-stores (auth-db/create-auth-stores @db)]
[auth-conf (get-in @config [:toaster :just-auth])
auth-stores (auth-db/create-auth-stores @db)]
[(trans/init "lang/auth-en.yml" "lang/english.yaml")
[(trans/init "lang/auth-en.yml" "lang/english.yaml")
(reset! accts auth-stores)
(reset! accts auth-stores)
(reset! auth (auth/email-based-authentication
(reset! auth (auth/email-based-authentication
;; TODO: replace with email taken from config
;; TODO: replace with email taken from config
(dissoc (conf/q @config [:just-auth])
(dissoc (:just-auth (:toaster (conf/load-config
"toaster" conf/default-settings)))
:mongo-url :mongo-user :mongo-pass)
:mongo-url :mongo-user :mongo-pass)
{:criteria #{:email :ip-address}
{:criteria #{:email :ip-address}
:type :block
:type :block
@ -82,13 +80,6 @@
(f/when-failed [e]
(f/when-failed [e]
(log/error (str (trans/locale [:init :failure])
(log/error (str (trans/locale [:init :failure])
" - " (f/message e))))))
" - " (f/message e))))))
;; ----------------------
;; initialize jobs stores
(reset! jobs (create-mongo-store @db :job-store))
;; ------------------------------
;; log all results worth noticing
(log/info (str (trans/locale [:init :success])))
(log/info (str (trans/locale [:init :success])))
(log/debug @auth))
(log/debug @auth))
@ -96,7 +87,7 @@
(-> site-defaults
(-> site-defaults
(assoc-in [:cookies] true)
(assoc-in [:cookies] true)
(assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery]
(assoc-in [:security :anti-forgery]
(conf/q @config [:webserver :anti-forgery]))
(get-in @config [:webserver :anti-forgery]))
(assoc-in [:security :ssl-redirect]
(assoc-in [:security :ssl-redirect]
(conf/q @config [:webserver :ssl-redirect]))
(get-in @config [:webserver :ssl-redirect]))
(assoc-in [:security :hsts] true)))
(assoc-in [:security :hsts] true)))
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
[ :as io]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.contrib.humanize :as humanize :refer [datetime]]
;; [ :as json :refer [read-str]]
;; [ :as json :refer [read-str]]
[toaster.webpage :as web]
[toaster.webpage :as web]
[toaster.session :as s]
[toaster.session :as s]
@ -34,25 +33,6 @@ proceed to validation."]
:id "field-submit" :type "submit"
:id "field-submit" :type "submit"
:name "submit" :value "submit"}]]]])
:name "submit" :value "submit"}]]]])
(def dockerfile-edit-form
[:div {:class "container-fluid"}
[:h1 "Edit your Dockerfile to toast"]
[:div {:class "form-group"}
[:form {:action "dockerfile" :method "post"
:class "form-shell"
:enctype "multipart/form-data"}
[:fieldset {:class "fieldset btn btn-default btn-file btn-lg"}
[:textarea {:name "editor" :id "editor"
:rows 30 :cols 72 } "FROM: dyne/devuan:ascii"]
[:input {:class "btn btn-primary btn-lg"
:id "field-submit" :type "submit"
:name "submit" :value "submit"}]]]]
[:script "var editor = ace.edit(\"editor\");
(def welcome-menu
(def welcome-menu
[:div {:class "container-fluid"}
[:div {:class "container-fluid"}
[:div {:class "row-fluid"}
[:div {:class "row-fluid"}
@ -86,8 +66,6 @@ proceed to validation."]
(web/render-yaml (job/add path config account))]))))))
(web/render-yaml (job/add path config account))]))))))
(defn list-jobs [request config account]
(defn list-jobs [request config account]
[joblist (job/listall config account)]
[:div {:class "container-fluid"}
[:div {:class "container-fluid"}
@ -96,18 +74,12 @@ proceed to validation."]
[:thead nil
[:thead nil
[:tr nil [:th nil "Date"] [:th nil "Type"] [:th nil "Actions"]]]
[:tr nil [:th nil "Date"] [:th nil "Type"] [:th nil "Actions"]]]
[:tbody nil
[:tbody nil
(for [j joblist]
(for [j (job/listall config account)]
(let [type (-> j (str/split #"-") second)
(let [type (-> j (str/split #"-") second)
tstamp (-> j (str/split #"-") last)]
tstamp (-> j (str/split #"-") last)]
[:tr nil
[:tr nil
[:td {:class "date"} (-> tstamp Long/valueOf tc/from-long tl/to-local-date-time
[:td {:class "date"} (-> tstamp Long/valueOf tc/from-long tl/to-local-date-time)]
[:td {:class "job"} [:a {:href (str "" j)} type]]
[:td {:class "job"} [:a {:href (str ""
(str/replace j #"@" "AT"))} type]]
[:td {:class "start-job"} (web/button "/start" "Start" (hf/hidden-field "job" j))
[:td {:class "start-job"} (web/button "/start" "Start" (hf/hidden-field "job" j))
(web/button "/remove" "Remove" (hf/hidden-field "job" j))]]
(web/button "/remove" "Remove" (hf/hidden-field "job" j))]]
(f/when-failed [e]
(str "Job list failure: " (f/message e))))
@ -2,10 +2,8 @@ webserver:
anti-forgery: false
anti-forgery: false
ssl-redirect: false
ssl-redirect: false
host: "bridge.toaster"
user: "jenkins"
key: "../id_ed25519"
email-server: ""
email-server: ""
Reference in New Issue