# Algosov website This website uses Webnomad to build, see http://dyne.org/software/webnomad It is operated via terminal in a very simple way. All commands and paths are relative to the directory of this repository. ## Get ready Do ``` git clone http://github.com/dyne/webnomad ``` inside this directory ## Edit contents Change files inside `views/` for the HTML and `` tagged content. Change files inside `tmpl/` for the header / footer templates. Change the stylesheet inside `views/css/custom.css` for the CSS. Change the `config.zsh` file for settings specific to this website. ## Preview the website To preview the website locally on your computer (and have it refreshed at every change using `inotify` on GNU/Linux, use the command: ``` ./webnomad/preview ``` ## Render final results This will be done by the website maintainer after you send modifications here. However the command: ``` ./webnomad/render ``` produces the final website inside the `pub/` directory. # Happy hacking