# WEBNOMAD CONFIGURATION TITLE="AlgoSov - Observatory on Algorithmic Sovereignty." DESCRIPTION="A Dyne.org initiative about research, practices, people and events dedicated to understand how an algorithm can be governed by its own participants." KEYWORDS="algosov, governance, algorithm, politics, sovereignty, technology, participants, research, practices, people, events, observatory" # representative image, 1200x627 pixels is full column banner, 400 is half # exact size indicated above is important to avoid resizes server-side IMAGE="http://algosov.org/pics/control-pokemon.jpg" # list of types: http://ogp.me/#types TYPE="website" # What is the root of this website url, after the domain # full url includes http and no trailing slash i.e. http://www.dyne.org # leave blank if relative, or just subdir i.e /blog WEB_ROOT="" # A twitter handler is necessary to activate open-graph compatible # information that works also with twitter. TWITTER="@DyneOrg" # # Anything below is safe to leave untouched # # Comment to disable Bootstrap BOOTSTRAP=1 FONTAWESOME=1 # What file extension to use for html files EXTENSION=".html" # What is the url for files in case indexing is used # this can be different from WEB_ROOT in order to serve # files from a position different from the web pages # FILES_ROOT="" # Uncomment for Flowtype FLOWTYPE=1 # What is the size ratio of text with respect to the width # of its container element. This is better than setting the # text size in an absolute way (we use Flowtype) # FONT_RATIO=40 # Cleanup EXIF information from jpeg images (requires jhead) # i.e: location, camera type, time of shot, editors used EXIF_CLEAN=1 # Add a comment to EXIF in jpeg images (requires jhead) # EXIF_COMMENT="" # Automatically rotate the image according to EXIF information # EXIF_ROTATE=1