TITLE="Commonfare event"
DESCRIPTION="In Commonfare.net, interactions, stories, shared experiences, resources, and mutual support form the heart of our approach to welfare."
KEYWORDS="poverty, income, employement economy, politics, money, crypto"
Marco Sachy, complementary crypto-currency designer at [Dyne.org](https://www.dyne.org) and curator of the [DYNDY](http://www.dyndy.net) observatory.
[Museu Da Crise](http://www.museudacrise.org), art project focusing on domestic strategies and parallel economies.
Aspasia Beneti, co-founder of [ClojureBridge](https://www.meetup.com/nl-NL/ClojureBridge-Amsterdam/), social wallet lead developer at [Dyne.org](https://www.dyne.org).
[Maurizio Teli](http://www.m-iti.org/people/maurizio), project initiator, assistant professor in participatory design, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute.
Cristina Morini and Andrea Fumagalli, co-founders of the research network [Effimera](http://effimera.org) and members of the [Basic Income Network (BIN Italia)](Basic Income Network Bin Italia).
[Chiara Bassetti](http://interaction.disi.unitn.it/index.php/people/chiara-bassetti/), project coordinator, senior researcher and lecturer in sociology, social research and ethnographic methods at the University of Trento.
Facilitators: Jennifer Veldman and [Jaromil Rojo](https://jaromil.dyne.org).
Because of limited space we kindly ask you to make a reservation by sending a
mail to: jennifer@dyne.org
The event will last 2 hours and include presentations about 1 year of work on the PIE project and future plans for the next 2 years.
Despite the limited amount of time we'll do our best to have an interactive debate with the audience, as well there will be drinks and networking at the end.
To spread the news please use this link: http://taz.dyne.org/commonfare
Commonfare.net is developed thanks to the project PIE News, that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687922