TITLE="DECODE idea challenge" IMAGE="https://gallery.mailchimp.com/1338d4c5af99d2ad03d8c001d/images/176683e0-cfd0-4683-8142-6a982923f449.png" DESCRIPTION="Decentralized Citizen Owned Data Ecosystem" TWITTER="@DecodeProject"

DECODE Challenge: realize your idea!  
Decentralized Citizen Owned Data Ecosystem 

Have you had enough of Facebook, Google and Yahoo collecting so much information about you without asking? Would you like to be able to log in without giving all these companies access to your data? Are you thinking of using blockchain as an alternative to these data-addicted multinationals? Do you see the internet of the future as being decentralised and distributed?

Are you looking for the right tools and expertise for your plan to decentralise data management? Tell us your idea, the problems you face, and how we can help.

Share your idea here!

What are we looking for?
For a pilot, we’re looking for an idea or initiative that deals with an issue relating to online identity management, access rights, reputation, or data storage. Your idea or initiative will aim to enable:

  • Users to log in easily while maintaining partial anonymity
  • Participants to share their data without endangering their privacy
  • Members to make deals even though they don’t know each other very well

Do you have the time available, and would you enjoy working with your group or community to develop an app or service? Take part in the challenge. Complete the form to register, and your idea could be chosen to be the Amsterdam pilot of this European project.

Share your idea here!
Pilots on one or more of the following themes will have an advantage: digital democracy, citizens’ measurement of the living environment, and the sharing economy.

More information. 
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 732546.