
1. What Is DarkIce?

DarkIce is a an IceCast live streamer. The purpose is to take the live input from a soundcard, encode it and send the encoded stream to an IceCast server. DarkIce uses lame as a shared object or statically linked as its mp3 encoder.
DarkIce is being written by Ákos Maróy

2. Status

DarkIce is under development. While still considered beta, it has been used for almost a year in production 24 hours per day.
The latest version is 0.4, check out the ChangeLog.

3. Download

DarkIce is © Copyright Tyrell Hungary under the GNU General Public Licence, and is hosted on SourceForge.
You can download DarkIce releases from the project's download page or FTP site. I also provided lame packages, which are needed by DarkIce, but you can use your own lame libs if you like.

You can either

If you like to live on the edge, you can check the CVS repository by getting module darkice as described here.

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