# Writedown # generic configuration defaults for rendered files WRITEDOWN_TITLE="DECODE language design patterns" WRITEDOWN_AUTHOR="Denis Roio, Dyne.org" WRITEDOWN_AFFILIATION="Dyne.org Foundation" # WRITEDOWN_DATE="Wednesday 18 October 2017" WRITEDOWN_TAGS="[blockchain, smart, contract, rules, langsec, DSL]" # number for each section WRITEDOWN_NRSEC=yes # table of contents WRITEDOWN_TOC=yes # bibliographic citation style (see writedown/citstyle) WRITEDOWN_CITSTYLE=harvard-kings-college-london # font size WRITEDOWN_FONTSIZE=11pt # bibtex file for bibliographic sources WRITEDOWN_BIB=views/references.bib # latex template (header and footer) WRITEDOWN_LATEX_TEMPLATE=views/template.tex # different formats as supported by pandoc. # to activate uncomment and fill, then use dash (-) as first argument # i.e: ./writedown/render - # WRITEDOWN_OUTPUT_FORMAT=epub # WRITEDOWN_OUTPUT_EXTENSION=epub # default pandoc base command # WRITEDOWN_PANDOC="pandoc --smart --standalone -f markdown # Experimental features are commented below # WRITEDOWN_ZOTERO="no"