@article{van2017council, title={Council: The Emergence of an IoT Think Tank}, author={van Kranenburg, Rob}, journal={IEEE Pervasive Computing}, volume={16}, number={4}, pages={22--24}, year={2017}, publisher={IEEE} } @article{dragona2016community, title={From community networks to off-the-cloud toolkits art and DIY networking}, author={Dragona, Daphne}, year={2016} } @book{mcdonough2004guy, title={Guy Debord and the Situationist International: texts and documents}, author={McDonough, Tom}, year={2004}, publisher={MIT Press} } @book{foucault1966mots, title={Les mots et les choses: une arch{\'e}ologie des sciences humaines: une arch{\'e}ologie des sciences humaines}, author={Foucault, Michel}, year={1966}, publisher={Gallimard} }