jenkins-debian-glue =================== As Devuan is a GNU/Linux distribution, we are usually expected to build native _.deb_ packages of varios software and kernels. Using [jenins-debian-glue](, [dak](, and [amprolla](, it is easy to produce Devuan packages and repositories that are fully customizable for any need. jenkins-debian-glue is an open-source pluggable module for Jenkins that provides Q/A test integration, policy verification, and controlled build environments for building _deb_ packages. It holds the logic of pbuilder and reproducible package builds. This allows us to seamlessly build _deb_ packages that are maintained and version-controlled in Git. Providing the entire development history and quality assurance through code reviews and similar. Deployment ---------- On **any Devuan-based** system, once Jenkins is installed, we can install an additional (meta)package prepared for easy deployment of jenkins-debian-glue called `jenkins-debian-glue-buildenv-devuan`. Installing it, along with `default-jre-headless`, would add support to our build nodes to build _deb_ packages using version control systems like Subversion and Git. To install, we would simply issue: ``` # apt install jenkins-debian-glue-buildenv-devuan default-jre-headless ``` Once installed, we would be able to add and configure the node in our Jenkins master.