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WRITEDOWN_TITLE="D4.11 Stable DECODE OS release"
WRITEDOWN_AUTHOR="Ivan Jelinčić, Denis Roio"
WRITEDOWN_DATE="22 October 2017"
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Stable DECODE OS release
This document accompanies the stable release of the DECODE OS, one of
the core development outputs of the DECODE project, aimed at providing
a reliable operating system to run application space development in an
environment ensuring privacy by design outside of the application
domain. This deliverable references, without duplication of
information, the research and development done and detailed in
previous deliverables D4.1 and D4.4.
The DECODE OS is a GNU+Linux distribution based on to
provide a minimalist base for distributed computing micro-services
capable of targeting any mainstream hardware platform, from
virtual-machines to ARM boards to bare-metal server racks.
The main website for this distribution is
As part of the DECODE OS distribution, backend software applications
have been developed to implement
1. a front-end web application to facilitate the adoption of the
DECODE continuous integration infrastructure (toaster)
2. a continuous integration system to release and customize new
versions of DECODE OS (SDK)
3. a private peer-to-peer network over the Tor protocol (tor-dam)
These core features of these three components will be described in the
following sections of this document, along with operational
Due to the experimental stage of development of other components in
DECODE and according to the LEAN principles declared in the project,
this stable release doesn't only constitute a final point of arrival
for this development task. What DECODE OS can do today is facilitating
the deployment of lab-tested software applications (for example made
in a Docker format, widely adopted by other partners in DECODE) and
render these prototypes into a production ready format that can be
deployed on the open-hardware DECODE BOX as well on virtual-machines.
We consider this achievement highly beneficial for a project whose
development is still in-flux, as well for the free and open source
community out there, since the access to the powerful features of the
SDK is now made very easy via an integrated continuous pipeline.
In light of these advantages, there is a clear intention within our
organisation (mainly by DYNE) to keep maintaining DECODE OS also
beyond the span of the project and this very task now concluded, since
it greatly helps the manning of prototypes into stable production
@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
The DECODE SDK is a unique build framework written to ease maintenance
and production of various types of the Devuan distribution images,
such as: live ISOs, virtual machine images, and images targeted at
embedded ARM boards. This section explains how to use the SDK, gives
and inside look at its various parts and documents the workflow to be
used when modifying its code.
The SDK is designed in such a way that there are levels of priority
within the scripts. First there is `libdevuansdk`, which holds the
vanilla configuration, then come the various wrappers targeted around
specific targets (`live`, `virtual`, `embedded`), and afterwards we
optionally add more on top of it if we need to customize or override
specific functions. This is for example the case with DECODE OS,
where we have to add additional software and extra components on top
of the base Devuan system.
_libdevuansdk_ is the core of any part of the Devuan SDK. It holds the
common knowledge between all of the upper wrappers such as _live-sdk_,
_vm-sdk_, and _arm-sdk_. Simply put, it is a shell script library to
unify the use and creation of various functions spread throughout the
complete Devuan SDK.
The wrappers are designed to be used interactively from a terminal, as
well as automated from shell scripts. _libdevuansdk_ uses an
additional _zsh_ library called [zuper](
to ease the variable declaration and scoping, as well as error
checking and debugging. However, _zuper_ is not included in
_libdevuansdk_ itself - one is required to include it in its
respective wrapper. _live-sdk_, _vm-sdk_, and _arm-sdk_ can be taken
as example. libdevuansdk itself has some software dependencies that
should be installed prior to use:
### Workflow
Working with _libdevuansdk_ splits into categories of what you want to
do. _zlibs_ are files separated into the following categories:
* ***bootstrap*** Contains the functions for the bootstrap process.
Creating a minimal debootstrap base system, and making it into a
compressed file (tar.gz) for later use so one does not have to wait
for the lengthy bootstrap process on each consequent build.
* ***helpers*** Contains the helper functions for _libdevuansdk_ that
make the workflow a bit easier to use and handle.
* ***imaging*** Contains the functions necessary for creating raw
dd-able images.
* ***rsync*** Contains rsync and file copying functions.
* ***sysconf*** Contains the default system configuration.
### Usage
As libdevuansdk is not very useful when invoked on its own, its usage
will be explained at later parts, for each specific wrapper. The
technical documentation of _libdevuansdk_ will follow in its
appropriate section.
The wrappers
As mentioned, _libdevuansdk_ is the core library we wrap around. The
currently existing wrappers are called _live-sdk_, _vm-sdk_, and
_arm-sdk_. These facilitate the builds of liveCDs, virtual machines, and
images for embedded ARM devices, respectively. Each of them have their
own section in this paper.
Since all of these wrappers, along with _libdevuansdk_, hold a
_vanilla_ Devuan configuration, it is best to keep their code
untouched. To allow for custom configurations, we introduced a concept
called *blends*. Blends are a simple way to customize the base image
of the OS-to-be before building it, allowing to easily add packages,
kernels, and virtually anything one might want to do in the
image. This exactly is the case with DECODE OS.
The _arm-sdk_ is our way of facilitating builds for embedded ARM boards
such as Allwinner-based CPUs, Raspberry Pis, Chromebooks, etc. It holds
a knowledgebase for a number of embedded devices, and how to build
according kernels and bootloaders.
### Directory structure
_arm-sdk_'s directory structure is separated into places where we hold
our boards and their kernel configurations, device-specific
directories with firmware and/or configuration, and a _lib_ directory
(where we keep _libdevuansdk_ and the like).
### Obtaining arm-sdk
The SDK, like any other part of Devuan's software toolchain, should be
obtained via _git_. The repositories are hosted on Devuan's Gitlab. To
grab it, we simply issue a _git clone_ command on a terminal, and
since it contains linked git submodules - we append _--recursive_ to
$ git clone --recursive
Consult the _README.md_ file found in this repository to see what are
the required dependencies to use _arm-sdk_.
### Using arm-sdk
Once the build system is obtained, it can now be used interactively. The
process is very simple, and to build an image one can actually use a
single shell command. However, we shall first show how it works.
In _arm-sdk_, every board has its own script located in the _boards_
directory. In most cases, these scripts contain functions to build the
Linux kernel, and a bootloader needed for the board to boot. This is
the only difference between all the boards, which requires every board
to have their own script. We are able to reuse the _rootfs_ that was
bootstrapped before. For our example, let's take the _Nokia N900_
build script. To build a _vanilla_ image for it, we simply issue:
$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan n900 && build_image_dist'
This will fire up the build process, and after a certain amount of time
we will have our compressed image ready and checksummed inside the
_dist_ directory.
The oneliner above is self-explanatory: We first start a new untainted
shell, source the sdk file to get an interactive SDK shell, then we
initialize the operating system along with the board we are building,
and finally we issue a helper command that calls all the necessary
functions to build our image. The _load_ command takes an optional
third argument which is the name of our _blend_ (the way to customize
our _vanilla_ image) which will be explained later. So in this case,
our oneliner would look like:
$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan n900 decode && build_image_dist'
This would create an image with the _"decode"_ blend, which is available
by cloning the DECODE OS git repository. The *build_image_dist* command
is a helper function located in _libdevuansdk_ that wraps around the 8
functions needed to build our image. They are all explained in the
technical part of this paper.
The _live-sdk_ is used to build bootable images, better known as Live
CDs. Its structure is very similar to _vm-sdk_ and is a lot smaller than
### Directory structure
Unlike _arm-sdk_, in _live-sdk_ we have no need for specific boards or
setups, so in this case we only host the interactive shell init, and
### Obtaining live-sdk
The SDK, like any other, should be obtained via _git_. The repositories
are hosted on Devuan's Gitlab. To grab it, we simply issue a _git clone_
command, an since it contains git submodules - we append _--recursive_
to it:
$ git clone --recursive
Consult the _README.md_ file found in this repository to see what are
the required dependencies to use _live-sdk_.
### Using live-sdk
Much like _arm-sdk_, the _live-sdk_ is used the same way. With two
specific differences. Since we don't have any need for specific
boards, when loading we don't specify a board, but rather the CPU
architecture we are building for. Currently supported are *i386* and
*amd64* which represent 32bit and 64bit respectively. To build a
_vanilla_ live ISO, we issue:
$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan amd64 && build_iso_dist'
This will start the build process, and after a certain amount of time we
will have our ISO ready and inside the _dist_ directory.
Just like in _arm-sdk_, we can use a _blend_ and customize our OS:
$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan amd64 decode && build_iso_dist'
So this would create a live ISO of DECODE OS. Again as noted, this can
be obtained by recursively cloning the corresponding (DECODE-OS) git
The *build_iso_dist* command is a helper function located in
_libdevuansdk_ that wraps around the 9 functions needed to build our
image. They are all explained in the technical part of this manual.
The _vm-sdk_ is used to build VirtualBox/Vagrant boxes, and virtual
images for emulation, in QCOW2 format, which is the byproduct of
building a Vagrant box. Its structure is very similar to _live-sdk_
and is the smallest of the three wrappers currently found in the
Devuan SDK.
### Directory structure
Like with _live-sdk_, in _vm-sdk_ we have no need for specific boards
or setups, so in this case we only host the interactive shell init,
and libraries.
### Obtaining vm-sdk
The SDK, like any other, should be obtained via _git_. The
repositories are hosted on Devuan's Gitlab. To grab it, we simply
issue a _git clone_ command, an since it contains git submodules - we
append _--recursive_ to it:
$ git clone --recursive
Consult the _README.md_ file found in this repository to see what are
the required dependencies to use _vm-sdk_.
### Using vm-sdk
Once obtained, we can use it interactively. The process is very simple,
and to build an image we use the oneliner we've already seen above.
Also like with _live-sdk_, we don't build for specific boards, however
we also do not create any non-amd64 images, so we don't have to pass
an architecture to the load command either. To build a _vanilla_
Vagrant Box, VirtualBox image, QCOW2 image, and a cloud-based QCOW2
image, we issue:
$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan && build_vagrant_dist'
This line would create all the four types of the VM image.
As shown with the previous two wrappers, the _blend_ concept works as
advertised here as well:
$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load deuvan decode && build_vagrant_dist'
The *build_vagrant_dist* command is a helper function located in
_libdevuansdk_ that wraps around the 11 functions needed to build our
image. They are all explained in the technical part of this manual.
@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
In the Devuan SDK, a _blend_ is the preferred way we use to make
customizations to the _vanilla_ image. Using blends we can very easily
create different flavors of our image, by easily including/excluding
certain software packages, files, or anything we wish to do. Blends
can become a very quick way of creating entire new derivatives of the
original _vanilla_ distribution we are building.
This time, we will take the DECODE OS as a _blend_ example. In DECODE
OS we provide a blend called _decode_ which is the blend we use to
create a production release of DECODE OS. The blend's files are
contained within their own directory in the _decode-os_ git
Any SDK requires a single file to act as a _blend_. This file is also a
_zsh_ script, and, at the very least, it must contain two functions
These functions are your pathway to expanding your blend into whatever
you would like it to do. The _preinst_ function is usually called
right after bootstrapping the _vanilla_ root filesystem, and the
_postinst_ function is called near the very end, just before packing
or compressing the image. These two strategic places should be enough
to do changes within the image. If this is not enough, blends also
allow you to simply **override any variable or function** contained
within _libdevuansdk_ or the sdk you are using.
Our _decode_ blend is such an example. It is a somewhat expanded blend,
not contained within a single file, but rather a directory. This allows
easier maintenance and makes the scripts clearer and cleaner.
### Adding and removing packages
When we want to add or remove specific packages to our build, we have
to override or append to _libdevuansdk_'s arrays. The array for
packages we want installed is called *extra_packages*, and the array
for packages we want purged is called *purge_packages*. In the Decode
blend, these can be found in the _config_ file located inside the
_decode-os_ blend directory. Keep in mind that these arrays could
already contain specific packages, so you are advised to rather append
to them, than overriding them.
If the packages you want to install are not available in the
repositories, you still have a way of automatically installing
them. All you have to do is copy your corresponding .deb files to the
following directory of the blend:
And when that is done, just call the function *install-custdebs*
Creating a blend
Rather than explaining the following in theory, you are best off
viewing the blend files that are provided with _decode-os_. It is a
fairly simple blend and should give you enough insight on how to
create your own blend. Here are some important guidelines for creating
a blend:
* The blend should always contain at least two functions
This means you must provide *blend_preinst* and *blend_postinst* in your
blend. They don't even have to do anything, but they should be there.
These two functions open the path for you to call any other functions
you created for your blend.
* When overriding functions, make sure they provide a result that
doesn't break the API
Breaking the API may result in unwanted behavior. You should always
study well the functions you are planning to override and figure out if
it is safe to override them in the way you want. The same goes for any
variables as well.
* Any arguments used after the blend name when loading from the SDK are
free for you to use in the blend.
This means you can use anything after the fourth argument (**$4** in
_zsh_) inside your blend if you require passing arguments to it.
These are some of the more important guidelines. There is plenty more
tricks and quirks, but it's easy to find out how to tweak the
configuration files and the blend in general once you read through a
blend or two on your own.
### Enable the blend
To use your blend in the first place, you need to make the SDK know
about it. Thus you should append the path to your new blend inside
the **blend_map** of the _sdk_ file:
"devuan-live" "$R/blends/devuan-live/devuan-live.blend"
"decode" "$R/../decode.blend"
"heads" "$R/../heads.blend"
"ournewblend" "$R/blends/newblend/new-blend.blend"
As you can see, the map is a key-value storage. So you can have an alias
(name) for your blend, and just use that to point to the path of the
blend. The blend file will be sourced by the SDK once it is told to do
### A configuration file
For having a finer-grained control of what goes into our build, we can
create a config file for our blend. From here we can easily control
any configurable aspect of it, such as packages that go in or out, the
blend name, and much more. **Make sure you source this file from your
Adding and removing packages was abstractly mentioned earlier: it goes
into two separate arrays holding package names. To add packages, we
append to the `extra_packages` array, which would look like this:
This would install the four packages `my_new_package`, `foo`, `bar`,
and `baz` along with the ones predefined in either _libdevuansdk_ or
the SDK you are using. You may also want to see which those are in
case you wish to exclude them, but they are sane and useful utilities
which should be included in your build if possible. Overriding all
those packages, you would need to reset the whole array, so you would
simply issue this:
As you can see, we no longer have the `+=`, but rather only `=`, which
means we are not appending to the array, but rather redefining it.
All of the above applies as well for removing packages, but in this case
the array is called `purge_packages`.
#### Custom packages
If you want to install deb packages that aren't in any repositories, put
them in the blend directory and simply add them to another array in the
configuration file. The contents of the arrays are the paths to the
debs, relative to this configuration file:
To trigger the installation of these packages, you will need to copy
them to `$R/extra/custom_packages`, and then call the
`install_custdebs` function somewhere from your blend.
### Custom files
Any files you want to add to the system to override what's there by
default you can add using a *rootfs overlay*. Create a directory
inside your blend directory called *rootfs-overlay* and simply put
files inside it. The directory structure is absolute to the image we
are building. For example what's in "rootfs-overlay/etc/" would end
up in the "/etc" of our final image. See _hier(7)_ in the Linux
manpages for more explanation on this directory hierarchy.
If you end up with any files here, to actually copy them, you will need
to either run `cp -f` it, or `rsync` the directory if you prefer.
### The .blend file
We listed a path to the .blend file in our first step. We need to create
this file now.
Start your blend file with the following, so the sdk is aware of the
BLENDPATH="${BLENDPATH:-$(dirname $0)}"
source $BLENDPATH/config
The minimum blend should contain two functions: `blend_preinst` and
`blend_postinst`. These functions are called at specific points in the
build, where they give the most power: just after bootstrapping the
_vanilla_ system, and just before packaging the final build,
#### blend_preinst
A preinst function can look like this:
blend_preinst() {
fn blend_preinst
ckreq || return 1
notice "executing blend preinst"
add-user "user" "pass"
cp -fv "$BLENDPATH"/*.deb "$R/extra/custom-packages" || zerr
install-custdebs || zerr
As you can see, the pre-install function will add a new user with the
credentials `user:pass`, it will copy our custom debs where they can
be used, and finally it will trigger their installation.
The `fn, req, ckreq` part on the top of the function is a safety check
for the function that is enabled by _zuper_. It allows us to check if
variables are defined when the function is called and fail if it is
wrong. You should utilize this as much as possible. The `zerr` calls
are used to exit if the function fails.
#### blend_postinst
A post-install function can look like the following:
blend_postinst() {
fn blend_postinst
req=(BLENDPATH strapdir)
ckreq || return 1
notice "executing blend postinst"
sudo cp -vf "$BLENDPATH"/rootfs-overlay/* $strapdir || zerr
blend_finalize || zerr
This function would copy the `rootfs-overlay` to the `strapdir` (which
holds our image's filesystem) and it would call the `blend_finalize`
function. By default this function doesn't exist, we quote it as an
example for you to see how it is possible to call your own functions
as well. You can define them within the blend file.
Using a blend
As previously explained, you can use your blends through the SDK's
interactive shell. In _decode-os_ the blend is placed in the root of
the git repository, and the sdk wrappers are located within. Therefore
an SDK would have to source it with such a path:
If you take a look at _vm-sdk_'s `sdk` file, you will see the
`blend_map` array. Using a new blend requires you to add it to this
map in the same manner. The map is key-value formatted, and on the
left you have an alias of your blend, and on the right you have a
script you have to write. It can either be the blend itself or any
helper file you might need to initialize your blend.
After you've added it to the blend map, you simply initialize the SDK,
and use the same *load* command we learned earlier, while appending
the blend alias and any optional argument.
$ zsh -f
$ source sdk
$ load devuan decode <these> <arguments> <we> <can> <use> <in> <the> <blend>
With this, we've initialized our *decode* blend. It's always good to add a
*notice()* call to your blend to signal it's been loaded successfully.
Once this is done, we simply build the image the same way we have
learned before:
$ build_vagrant_dist
Consult the _vm-sdk_ chapter for this.
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
The Devuan SDK more in-depth
The following parts will explain the Devuan SDK more technically. It
will show its configuration, important functions, and show how it all
glues together.
Much of the _libdevuansdk_ configuration is done in
`libdevuansdk/config`. Here you can edit the defaults if you wish to
do something your needs are expressing. However, overriding these
through upper levels is recommended.
### `config` file
`vars` and `arrs` are global arrays for holding other global variables
and arrays, respectively. This is required for `zuper` and helps a lot
with debugging. If you declare new variables or arrays, add them to the
aforementioned variables.
* `os` holds the name of the distribution being worked on.
* `release` holds the release codename of the distribution. Used for apt
repositories mostly.
* `version` is the version of the distribution being worked on.
* `mirror` is a mirror holding the required packages for `debootstrap`.
* `section` are the sections of the repository. For adding in
`/etc/apt/sources.list`. Separate them with whitespaces.
* `image_name` is the output name of the raw image. If you declare a
blend or a device name (arm-sdk), they will be appended to this name.
* `rootcredentials` and `usercredentials` are currently placeholders.
* `core_packages` is an array holding the core packages that will be
installed in the bootstrap process.
* `base_packages` is an array holding the base packages that will be
installed at a later point in the bootstrap process.
* `purge_packages` is an array of packages that will get purged at the
end of the bootstrap process.
Helper functions
You can find useful helper functions in `libdevuansdk/zlibs/helpers`.
They are intended to help when it comes to writing wrappers, as well
as making the developers' jobs easier for developing
_libdevuansdk_. Some of these functions are required for
_libdevuansdk_ to work properly as well.
### `build_image_dist()`
This function is a kind of a wrapper function. It's used in _arm-sdk_
to build a complete dd-able image from start to end. To run, it
requires `$arch`, `$size`, `$parted_type`, `$workdir`, `$strapdir`,
and `$image_name` to be declared. See the section dedicated to
"Creating wrappers" for insight on these variables.
The workflow of this function is bootstrapping a complete _rootfs_,
creating a raw image, installing/compiling a kernel, rsyncing
everything to the raw image, and finally compressing the raw image.
This same workflow is applied in the next two functions in this file,
which are `build_iso_dist` and `build_vagrant_dist`. To get a better
understanding of _libdevuansdk_, it's recommended to go through one of
these functions and following it deeper to find and figure out the
other functions and how they work together.
### `devprocsys()`
This function is a simple helper function that takes two arguments. It
mounts or unmounts `/dev`, `/proc`, and `/sys` filesystems to or from
wherever you tell it to. For example:
$ devprocsys mount $strapdir
$ devprocsys umount $strapdir
It is very necessary to use this if one wants to do anything requiring
access to hardware or the system's resources, i.e. cryptography.
### `dpkgdivert()`
This function, like `devprocsys` takes two arguments and will create
or remove a dpkg diversion in the place you tell it to and remove
`invoke-rc.d` so that _apt_ does not autostart daemons when they are
### `chroot-script()`
This very useful functions allows you to _chroot_ into `$strapdir` and
execute the script/binary that's passed as a parameter to this
function. It also takes an optional argument `-d` that will call
`dpkgdivert` on and off before and after execution.
The `chroot-script` is also an example on its own that shows how to use
the `chroot-script` function.
Mandatory variables
* `$R` is the root directory of a wrapper. It's defined already in all
the existing ones. In almost evert situation it can be `$PWD`.
* `$workdir` is the working directory of the current build. A sane
default is `$R/tmp/workdir`
* `$strapdir` is the bootstrap directory of the build. It holds the
rootfs when you debootstrap it, and customize it further on. Default
is `$workdir/rootfs`.
* `$arch` is the CPU architecture of the build. I.e. `amd64`, `armhf`,
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
The **** setup is a modular web app relying on different
parts of DECODE's CI (continuous integration) and operating system
development software (SDK) used to facilitate builds of customized
Devuan images using Dockerfiles and a web interface. It allows us to
have a seamless way of using the Dockerfiles that are used in testing
to make production images using the same Dockerfile. This brings a
deterministic approach to debugging and allows centralization of
resources, while avoiding extra work needed to write a Devuan blend.
The web application is public on
All following documentation contained in this document details the
internals of this application, of the components and infrastructure
that it is using. Unless specifically interested in these
implementation details, the web application facilitates the adoption
of all features described through a simple visual workflow.
The setup is comprised of a web interface written in Clojure, a backend
glue written in Python, the Devuan SDK, and the Jenkins CI system.
The main repository of this software component is
Clojure frontend
The Clojure frontend is an embedded web server with its own database,
which allows for managing of users. A user registered within this part
is then allowed to upload Dockerfiles and manage their image builds.
The frontend talks to the Python backend through SSH, and runs a
specific command to enable or disable a build job.
Jenkins backend
The backend glue is a Python tool which talks to Jenkins itself and
does all the managing and configuration of build jobs. It serves as the
backend to the Devuan SDK's web interface and is executed by the web CGI
when a build function is requested.
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
Tor Distributed Announce Mechanism (DAM) is a protocol and tooling for
mapping machines in the Tor network running this software.
The Tor DAM network is imagined to be pseudo-distributed inside the Tor
network itself. Nodes running Tor DAM can use an existing entrypoint and
start announcing themselves to the entry point(s), or they can be their
own and let others announce to themselves. Tor DAM will store all of
these announcements in a storage backend and utilize it to expand the
knowledge of the nodes using this software. Over time the network will
keep expanding and the user will be able to see all other nodes in the
network either by querying the storage backend, or visualizing it with
some kind of software.
* Every node has a HTTP API allowing to list other nodes and announce
new ones.
* They keep propagating to all valid nodes they know.
* Announcing implies the need of knowledge of at least one or two nodes.
* It is possible to make this random enough once there are at least 6
nodes in the network.
* A node announces itself to others by sending a JSON-formatted HTTP
POST request to one or more active node.
* Once the POST request is received, the node will validate the
request and return a secret encrypted with the requester's public
* The requester will try to decrypt this secret, and return the
secret in plain text back to the node it's announcing to, along
with a cryptographic signature, so the node can confirm the
requester is in actual possession of the private key.
* Tor DAM **does not validate** if a node is malicious or not. This is a
layer that has to be established on top. Tor DAM is just the entry
point into the network.
A node announcing itself has to do a JSON-formatted HTTP POST request to
one or more active nodes with the format explained below. N.B. The
strings shown in this document might not be valid, but they represent a
correct example.
* `type` reflects the type of the node
* `address` holds the address of the Tor hidden service
* `message` is the message that has to be signed using the private key
of this same hidden service.
* `signature` is the base64 encoded signature of the above message.
* `secret` is a string that is used for exchanging messages between the
client and server.
"type": "node",
"address": "22mobp7vrb7a4gt2.onion",
"message": "I am a DAM node!",
"signature": "BuB/Dv8E44CLzUX88K2Ab0lUNS9A0GSkHPtrFNNWZMihPMWN0ORhwMZBRnMJ8woPO3wSONBvEvaCXA2hvsVrUJTa+hnevQNyQXCRhdTVVuVXEpjyFzkMamxb6InrGqbsGGkEUqGMSr9aaQ85N02MMrM6T6JuyqSSssFg2xuO+P4=",
"secret": ""
Sending this as a POST request to a node will make it ask for the
public key of the given address from a "hidden service directory"
(HSDir) in the Tor network. It will retrieve the public key and try to
validate the signature that was made. Validating this, we assume that
the requester is in possession of the private key.
Following up, the node shall generate a cryptographically secure random
string and encrypt it using the before acquired public key. It will then
be encoded using base64 and sent back to the client:
"secret": "eP07xSZWlDdK4+AL0WUkIA3OnVTc3sEgu4MUqGr43TUXaJLfAILvWxKihPxytumBmdJ4LC45LsrdDuhmUSmZZMJxxiLmB4Gf3zoWa1DmStdc147VsGpexY05jaJUZlbmG0kkTFdPmdcKNbis5xfRn8Duo1e5bOPj41lIopwiil0="
The client will try to decode and decrypt this secret, and send it back
to the node to complete its part of the handshake. The POST request this
time will contain the following data:
* `type` reflects the type of the node
* `address` holds the address of the Tor hidden service
* `message` is the decrypted and base64 encoded secret that the server
had just sent us.
* `signature` is the base64 encoded signature of the above secret.
* `secret` is a copy of `message` here.
"type": "node",
"address": "22mobp7vrb7a4gt2.onion",
"message": "ZShhYHYsRGNLOTZ6YUwwP3ZXPnxhQiR9UFVWfmk5TG56TEtLb04vMms+OTIrLlQ7aS4rflR3V041RG5Je0tnYw==",
"signature": "L1N+VEi3T3aZaYksAy1+0UMoYn7B3Gapfk0dJzOUxUtUYVhj84TgfYeDnADNYrt5UK9hN/lCTIhsM6zPO7mSjQI43l3dKvMIikqQDwNey/XaokyPI4/oKrMoGQnu8E8UmHmI1pFvwdO5EQQaKbi90qWNj93KB/NlTwqD9Ir4blY=",
"secret": "ZShhYHYsRGNLOTZ6YUwwP3ZXPnxhQiR9UFVWfmk5TG56TEtLb04vMms+OTIrLlQ7aS4rflR3V041RG5Je0tnYw=="
The node will verify the received plain secret against what it has
encrypted to validate. If the comparison yields no errors, we assume
that the requester is actually in possession of the private key. If the
node is not valid in our database, we will complete the handshake by
welcoming the client into the network:
"secret": "Welcome to the DAM network!"
Further on, the node will append useful metadata to the struct. We will
add the encoded public key, timestamps of when the client was first seen
and last seen, and a field to indicate if the node is valid. The latter
is not to be handled by Tor DAM, but rather the upper layer, which
actually has consensus handling.
If the node is valid in another node's database, the remote node will
then propagate back all the valid nodes it knows (including itself) back
to the client in a gzipped and base64 encoded JSON struct. The client
will then handle this and update its own database accordingly.
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The DECODE OS is a GNU+Linux distribution for private peer-to-peer
networks of distributed computing. It is easily customisable and comes
with an intuitive web application that facilitate the task of
transforming Docker files (a popular format to prototype software
application) into OS images ready to install on embedded and cloud
infrastructure. This deliverable details the implementation details of
DECODE OS as well provides operational guidelines to deal with its
internals. As a demonstration, the web application is publicly
available on
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