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The DECODE SDK is a unique build framework written to ease maintenance and production of various types of the Devuan distribution images, such as: live ISOs, virtual machine images, and images targeted at embedded ARM boards. This section explains how to use the SDK, gives and inside look at its various parts and documents the workflow to be used when modifying its code.

The SDK is designed in such a way that there are levels of priority within the scripts. First there is libdevuansdk, which holds the vanilla configuration, then come the various wrappers targeted around specific targets (live, virtual, embedded), and afterwards we optionally add more on top of it if we need to customize or override specific functions. This is for example the case with DECODE OS, where we have to add additional software and extra components on top of the base Devuan system.


libdevuansdk is the core of any part of the Devuan SDK. It holds the common knowledge between all of the upper wrappers such as live-sdk, vm-sdk, and arm-sdk. Simply put, it is a shell script library to unify the use and creation of various functions spread throughout the complete Devuan SDK.

The wrappers are designed to be used interactively from a terminal, as well as automated from shell scripts. libdevuansdk uses an additional zsh library called zuper to ease the variable declaration and scoping, as well as error checking and debugging. However, zuper is not included in libdevuansdk itself - one is required to include it in its respective wrapper. live-sdk, vm-sdk, and arm-sdk can be taken as example. libdevuansdk itself has some software dependencies that should be installed prior to use:



Working with libdevuansdk splits into categories of what you want to do. zlibs are files separated into the following categories:

  • bootstrap Contains the functions for the bootstrap process. Creating a minimal debootstrap base system, and making it into a compressed file (tar.gz) for later use so one does not have to wait for the lengthy bootstrap process on each consequent build.

  • helpers Contains the helper functions for libdevuansdk that make the workflow a bit easier to use and handle.

  • imaging Contains the functions necessary for creating raw dd-able images.

  • rsync Contains rsync and file copying functions.

  • sysconf Contains the default system configuration.


As libdevuansdk is not very useful when invoked on its own, its usage will be explained at later parts, for each specific wrapper. The technical documentation of libdevuansdk will follow in its appropriate section.

The wrappers

As mentioned, libdevuansdk is the core library we wrap around. The currently existing wrappers are called live-sdk, vm-sdk, and arm-sdk. These facilitate the builds of liveCDs, virtual machines, and images for embedded ARM devices, respectively. Each of them have their own section in this paper.

Since all of these wrappers, along with libdevuansdk, hold a vanilla Devuan configuration, it is best to keep their code untouched. To allow for custom configurations, we introduced a concept called blends. Blends are a simple way to customize the base image of the OS-to-be before building it, allowing to easily add packages, kernels, and virtually anything one might want to do in the image. This exactly is the case with DECODE OS.


The arm-sdk is our way of facilitating builds for embedded ARM boards such as Allwinner-based CPUs, Raspberry Pis, Chromebooks, etc. It holds a knowledgebase for a number of embedded devices, and how to build according kernels and bootloaders.

Directory structure

arm-sdk's directory structure is separated into places where we hold our boards and their kernel configurations, device-specific directories with firmware and/or configuration, and a lib directory (where we keep libdevuansdk and the like).

Obtaining arm-sdk

The SDK, like any other part of Devuan's software toolchain, should be obtained via git. The repositories are hosted on Devuan's Gitlab. To grab it, we simply issue a git clone command on a terminal, and since it contains linked git submodules - we append --recursive to it:

$ git clone https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk --recursive

Consult the README.md file found in this repository to see what are the required dependencies to use arm-sdk.

Using arm-sdk

Once the build system is obtained, it can now be used interactively. The process is very simple, and to build an image one can actually use a single shell command. However, we shall first show how it works.

In arm-sdk, every board has its own script located in the boards directory. In most cases, these scripts contain functions to build the Linux kernel, and a bootloader needed for the board to boot. This is the only difference between all the boards, which requires every board to have their own script. We are able to reuse the rootfs that was bootstrapped before. For our example, let's take the Nokia N900 build script. To build a vanilla image for it, we simply issue:

$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan n900 && build_image_dist'

This will fire up the build process, and after a certain amount of time we will have our compressed image ready and checksummed inside the dist directory.

The oneliner above is self-explanatory: We first start a new untainted shell, source the sdk file to get an interactive SDK shell, then we initialize the operating system along with the board we are building, and finally we issue a helper command that calls all the necessary functions to build our image. The load command takes an optional third argument which is the name of our blend (the way to customize our vanilla image) which will be explained later. So in this case, our oneliner would look like:

$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan n900 decode && build_image_dist'

This would create an image with the "decode" blend, which is available by cloning the DECODE OS git repository. The build_image_dist command is a helper function located in libdevuansdk that wraps around the 8 functions needed to build our image. They are all explained in the technical part of this paper.


The live-sdk is used to build bootable images, better known as Live CDs. Its structure is very similar to vm-sdk and is a lot smaller than arm-sdk.

Directory structure

Unlike arm-sdk, in live-sdk we have no need for specific boards or setups, so in this case we only host the interactive shell init, and libraries.

Obtaining live-sdk

The SDK, like any other, should be obtained via git. The repositories are hosted on Devuan's Gitlab. To grab it, we simply issue a git clone command, an since it contains git submodules - we append --recursive to it:

$ git clone https://git.devuan.org/sdk/live-sdk --recursive

Consult the README.md file found in this repository to see what are the required dependencies to use live-sdk.

Using live-sdk

Much like arm-sdk, the live-sdk is used the same way. With two specific differences. Since we don't have any need for specific boards, when loading we don't specify a board, but rather the CPU architecture we are building for. Currently supported are i386 and amd64 which represent 32bit and 64bit respectively. To build a vanilla live ISO, we issue:

$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan amd64 && build_iso_dist'

This will start the build process, and after a certain amount of time we will have our ISO ready and inside the dist directory.

Just like in arm-sdk, we can use a blend and customize our OS:

$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan amd64 decode && build_iso_dist'

So this would create a live ISO of DECODE OS. Again as noted, this can be obtained by recursively cloning the corresponding (DECODE-OS) git repository.

The build_iso_dist command is a helper function located in libdevuansdk that wraps around the 9 functions needed to build our image. They are all explained in the technical part of this manual.


The vm-sdk is used to build VirtualBox/Vagrant boxes, and virtual images for emulation, in QCOW2 format, which is the byproduct of building a Vagrant box. Its structure is very similar to live-sdk and is the smallest of the three wrappers currently found in the Devuan SDK.

Directory structure

Like with live-sdk, in vm-sdk we have no need for specific boards or setups, so in this case we only host the interactive shell init, and libraries.

Obtaining vm-sdk

The SDK, like any other, should be obtained via git. The repositories are hosted on Devuan's Gitlab. To grab it, we simply issue a git clone command, an since it contains git submodules - we append --recursive to it:

$ git clone https://git.devuan.org/sdk/vm-sdk --recursive

Consult the README.md file found in this repository to see what are the required dependencies to use vm-sdk.

Using vm-sdk

Once obtained, we can use it interactively. The process is very simple, and to build an image we use the oneliner we've already seen above.

Also like with live-sdk, we don't build for specific boards, however we also do not create any non-amd64 images, so we don't have to pass an architecture to the load command either. To build a vanilla Vagrant Box, VirtualBox image, QCOW2 image, and a cloud-based QCOW2 image, we issue:

$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load devuan && build_vagrant_dist'

This line would create all the four types of the VM image.

As shown with the previous two wrappers, the blend concept works as advertised here as well:

$ zsh -f -c 'source sdk && load deuvan decode && build_vagrant_dist'

The build_vagrant_dist command is a helper function located in libdevuansdk that wraps around the 11 functions needed to build our image. They are all explained in the technical part of this manual.